Summary Draft #3


According to the “Lifesaving drones design with CAD” article, Siemens (2019) introduces and highlights the key features of the Siemens NX CAD software. Siemens introduces NX CAD software as a reliable and robust solution that helps in delivering better designs of products at a faster pace. NX has unique features such as locating important areas that will require high-grade aerospace materials while also knowing other areas where suitable materials can be used. Using NX Journal enables Zipline to create a custom list of materials that gives a detailed mass build-up, which helps to enhance the aircraft better. Being able to have the capacity to perform a speedy examination on thickness or stress. This can help the company understand where the weight should be reduced, and time would be saved from weight tests. NX CAD software has a personalization feature that allows designers to customize NX to include a set of features common to their design practices. (Siemens, n.d) Not only that, the NX CAD software can test these aircraft in various environments to test out the heat performance. On top of these features, NX CAD software is fast in loading up so time will not be wasted waiting for the program to load up which is important when time is urgent.

Thesis statement:

The NX CAD software is capable than SolidWorks as it has better tools, special features and have been helpful to many companies in their work.

Support #1:

One of the enhanced features of the NX CAD software is that it allows its users to customize the software to common their design practices. (Siemens, n.d) This feature called NX User Defined Features helps to reduce repetitive design operations by using customized design elements and it automates the use of commonly used design elements. This function helps designers to save time in terms of convenience which directly can help save the company time, so functionalities have already passed the company standard. However, SolidWorks does a user-customizable option, but it is just basic features such as a shortcut to a menu or keyboard shorts to make the process of designing faster for the user. This does not compare to the NX User Defined Features which allows to user to have a customized way of designing to his liking and not having to worry if the design is up to his company's standard.

Support #2:

Another feature is that NX CAD software is it has an integrated NX journal that helps aerospace companies to create a custom list of materials that gives a detailed mass build-up which will enhance the aircraft better. (Siemens, 2019) It can pinpoint the critical areas that will require aerospace materials while also knowing other areas where suitable materials can be used. This feature is important as it also saves time on having to test out the materials on the plane and see if it works. As NX software will know how much of the material is needed and will be used for the specific product, this way the company using the software will not waste materials, and hence more products can be produced. Companies would rather spend more money on software that would save time and can also show what the final product will look like. SolidWorks does not have this special feature, but it can change the type of material, and the color and show how much the weight of the final product is.


However, NX CAD software has a losing factor when compared to SolidWorks in terms of price point. Even though there is a free trial before users are given the option to buy, the expensive price point might be one of the reasons why users are not too drawn to the software despite having great features and functions. Siemens NX has 5 different packages that all come with different features and tools, the prices range from $119 to $559 per month. (360 Quadrants, n.d) In comparison, SolidWorks has three different tiers of license which costs $3995 for the standard version, $5490 for the professional version, and $7995 for the premium version with an annual maintenance fee of $1295. The annual subscription service price, covers technical support, upgrades, and more. In other cases, SolidWorks allows term licensing which is either a three-month or one-year term, and this way, the user can be saving more money if they are not using the application for a long period. (Schmid, 2020) Some of the NX CAD software users said that the application was too expensive for the features that it has to offer. 


In conclusion, despite having a high price point that some companies will not want to pay, NX CAD software still has a lot to offer in terms of unique features that other software in the market does not have. To stay relevant in the design market, designers should be able to learn more than the basic software so technology is always advancing. There are companies in the automotive industry that require knowledge of NX CAD software. 



Siemens (2019, March) Lifesaving drones designed with CAD software.


Siemens (n.d) NX User Defined Features.




Uygun (2020, October 20) Siemens NX - Costs, Features And Companies Using it.,tools%20up%20to%20around%2020000%24.


360 Quadrants (n.d) Siemens NX Pricing & Demo.


Trust Radius (n.d) Siemens NX CAD vs SOLIDWORKS.


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